
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Veterans, Native American Stories and Holidays

Wanted to let folks know that I haven't forgotten and I am working on articles. With my illnesses and the holidays it has been a little slow. Holidays are busy and trying for healthy people...they plum wear me OUT!! But I have been working here and there as I can. I'm working on several articles at the same time. I know...I know...folks tell me work on one thing, finish it, then do another. My brain, my body and my system in my house doesn't work that way!! Plus blogger has draft mode and it fits right in with the way I work. I have several in the Native American series ongoing and hope to have one of those up soon.

5th Infantry Division Regimental Cover
I gathered all of dad's war stuff together to do the article for the World War II Daughters Blog and realized, "WOW, we have a lot of stuff!" I found his regimental history book. Which is going to be a big help in putting together his story with the pictures. I also have his DD214 which lists the battles he was in and trying to match those with his photos and the regimental history. I think I could write a BOOK!! And may in the future.

The regimental history has NO index, no table of contents, no page numbers and goes only by dates. Quite fascinating but it's now beginning to be divided by post it notes and book marks. I am about 1/3 of the way through it. I'm attaching a photo of the front of it.

My dad joined the 50th Field Artillery of the 5th Division in 1939 and he went from Iceland to Czechoslovakia i.e. the whole war with this division. Marching just like the men on the cover. I have a story of him meeting the Russians. Plus his interviews I recorded, I'm going back through those and now understanding some of what he spoke of. He was in so many battles, it is amazing he survived.  These are just his Army stories, I have some stories of his Navy exploits that are just as harrowing!  I am so proud to do this though. I want to tell his story. Bravest man I ever knew and so unassuming about it all. But it may be after New Years before I get the first article accomplished.

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