
Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27, 2014 Update, Sept. Kentucky Conference Coming Up and OW! My FACE!

Well after the Jenny Wiley saga of posts it has been a whirlwind first part of Spring. So sorry to be so lax on this blog. Much is happening at my house. First we are still waiting for SPRING! It shows up in a couple of warm days and then SNOWS again.

I wanted to share this post I found on the Jenny Wiley thread at Rootsweb.  It is a conference this coming September 2014. I would love to go but I doubt if I will get to. Three days? Sigh....I'd be the one babbling in the corner too tired to communicate.

Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:59:23 +0000

Dear Jenny Wiley listserv:

I would encourage everyone interested in Jenny Wiley to attend this year's Eastern Kentucky Genealogy and History Conference, which is going to be held in Louisa, Kentucky from Friday, September 19 - Sunday, September 21, 2014. There is going to be a special presentation on the historic Jenny Wiley and many people in attendance descend from her and know a great deal about DNA research. I will be doing the presentation, along with others, and we hope to have a lively conversation surrounding the life of Jenny Wiley, as well as how to interpret your DNA findings. For more information on the conference, please contact my cousin, Victoria Moore, vice-president of the Lawrence County, Kentucky Genealogical and Historical Society The conference is going to be held at the Community Center and meals will be catered. The entire event is very affordable and well-worth the travel, if you must come from very far. Many Jenny Wiley (and Hezekiah Sellards!
) descendants attend.

On another note, if you care to support the republication of the classic "Appalachian Crossroads" (the Hezekiah Sellards genealogy, which has been out of print for 30 years)and the efforts of the Lawrence County, Kentucky Genealogical and Historical Society (LCKG&HS) to keep our Eastern Kentucky history and heritage alive, please visit this Go Fund Me campaign page: . There is more information on what the LCKG&HS is doing and services they are providing.

Many thanks,

Melinda Moore, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow
Military Suicide Bereavement Study
College of Social Work
The University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506

I hope those that attend can update me on any new info. I am really curious as to where the Jenny Wiley research will go. So far no luck on the deposition. Any one finds that PLEASE share with me!!

Interpreting History

Will the Real Jenny Wiley Please Tell her Story?

Where was the Cabin of Thomas and Jenny Wiley?

Update on the Battle with CFS continues! 

I am just battling symptoms as usual. I have muscles that hurt that I didn't know could hurt before this disease attacked me. Like facial muscles. Anyone else experience this? Any and every muscle in your body can be affected by this disease. Quite annoying to have twinges of pain just show up!!

You can be talking to someone and all the sudden you contort your face because of a twinge of pain. Oh yes so annoying to be asked, "Are you OK?" because you are making involuntary faces at them in the middle of a conversation! Have to say, "Sorry, twinge of pain in the muscles that control my eyebrows. So sorry to have to twitch them like Groucho Marx at you trying to get it to stop! It will disappear I hope in a bit." I turn away because I know it's annoying to them to watch as much as it is annoying to me to experience. Those twinges feel like charley horses at times. So relieved when it stops.  Oh the joys of CFS/ME when even your face hurts.

 But also I am asking for prayers for my dear son who has been ill. He has been my rock. The one who has taken care of me a lot in my illness. Recently he started losing weight...a lot of weight for no reason and developed very large swollen joints.

He is in the process of being tested for numerous diseases. Between the two of us we have a doctor's appointment calendar that is nuts! So family, friends and my Ed have filled in for him and even helped me take care of him. A reversal of roles for sure.  I dearly love my family and friends!! They are awesome. But I am a bit more tired than usual.  There are many things I would like to do and work on this blog is one of them. I am working on a couple of posts and hope to have them completed SOON.

I am thinking of doing a few posts of links to good research sites I use. Also my family tree on here. Been asked about my people. That is the Appalachian way to ask, "who are your people?"  So stay tuned..

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