
Friday, December 10, 2021

Yep....I'm still alive! UPDATE December 2021

 I don't post much....sorry about that. And this one is going to be a Debby Downer. I've got to get this off my mind before I go back to posting better things.  I don't know how folks keep up with social media and keep up everything that needs to be accomplished in one's life. I'm behind anyway because I just was sad and angry at a commenter. Too sad to post. 

I mentioned Covid in my last post and was blasted as being out of touch with "people" in Appalachia? Because I backed a vaccine? Or wearing a mask?  I'm IN APPALACHIA, as Appalachian as they get. I'm out of touch with myself? It's the topic of Covid...this is  DEADLY serious and every time I'd pull up a page to post say a pie recipe, which I have almost ready to go...I just couldn't let it go...too much death. So I've got to get this out of my system. You can pass this post by. I'll post the pie recipe this week.

 It's been a LONG year. Covid has just changed life as we know it. We are a house of illness with myself and my son both with immune compromise illnesses, so we are more isolated than most trying to avoid this awful virus.  Not stopped the Doctor's visits. But we are alive and I think we are finally seeing the end of this saga but life has changed. How we live has changed, how we are going to live has changed and they say, one day,  there will be another virus to replace this virus to fight.  

And I'm mourning friends lost...that's how much a hoax it is. Visiting their graves is NOT A HOAX. It's not brave to not to try to save other's lives by not wearing a mask. It's not freedom at all, when others have to give up their lives for ignorance. Not fighting this pandemic, preserving life with everything we've got is ignorance.  We've always fought against major illnesses that kill people in this country. Look how we fought polio.  Look at what we do against cancer!!! 

But this virus????....That's why I haven't posted for a year. I'm angry at lives lost. People I loved. And they are GONE because of BS spread on social media. Several others have symptoms of long's effecting their working's bad. I'm watching people be divided over this, attacking school board members and neighbors over a virus.  That's the facts I'm looking at. 

Over 700,000  dead? SIGH!!!   I'm angry about that!!!! I'm not going to deny it. I'm not going to hide my feelings on this. I'm angry about the whole mess because we had a leader call it a hoax and not deal with an actual crisis. This began this snowball of  a portion of our population not believing it was real, then we were delayed in defeating this pandemic to do the best for our country. Thank goodness this virus wasn't ebola. 

 But  I'm having a very hard time forgiving the arrogance and ignorance. As if the virus is some kind of  "test" and to deny it exists or survive it, somehow makes people tough and not gullible to OUR "gov'ment".  Really?  It's OUR government, we are them, they are us. So we are waging a war on ourselves over a virus? And dying for it. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen in all my years. 

Not that the government is perfect and beyond reproach but you choose a worldwide pandemic to not believe in your own government efforts to keep our people alive? As a result we are STILL losing over a thousand a day to this virus. It's taking anti vaxxers by the thousands. 

You would think folks would WAKE UP! There is something to be said for being "woke" if being "woke" means you stop living based on a lie, gain useful knowledge that can save your life or change your perspective to the truth. But everyday......sigh!! Call me "woke" all you want, it's not an insult.   

I'm all for alternative medications but really? Magic Dirt from Canada, from next to a landfill at $110 for a baggie full, to smear on your skin and drink? Horse worming medication? All to avoid a vaccine?  Reminds me of the snake oil salesmen, selling fake cures, that folks would end up to tar and feather and run out of town. When do we get to the tar and feather part for these charlatans? 

Afraid of "nano" chips. You know...if the government wants to mark you or follow you...the cell phone in your hand or the GPS in your car, the debit and credit cards you carry, the internet you are reading this on, is enough. But if they wanted to get you with "nano" chips, they could do it without a vaccine and here's a thought, the majority of us are not that important to want to "chip".  It's time to stop the nonsense. 

I like the Mattrix movies as well as the next person...but I don't think that's where we are.  Keanu Reeves also makes a great Patron Saint of Puppies in John Wick, but it's still just a movie.

I want this pandemic over and those refusing the vaccines and doing what we need to do to fight it, are the reason it keeps going ON and ON and ON. This virus does NOT care about your politics.  It's mutating because we are not stopping it because of ignorance.  If anything else had killed 700,000 of our citizens we'd be outraged and at war. Instead we are at war with each other of whether it is real or not!! Or arguing over how it started. I DON'T care how it started now, it's HERE! Should be more reason to do what is necessary to defeat it. 

So lets do what we need to do, LISTEN to our GOVERNMENT on this ISSUE, they would not steer you badly on this. They need your tax money. If you are dead, or so sick you can't work, you are not useful and you don't pay more taxes. So get the shots, get the booster, wear the masks when asked and let's fight the real enemy...this VIRUS and also fight the absolute lies passed on social media about it.  Not each other. 

RANT over!  Oh and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!!  BLESSINGS to ALL!!


  1. You nailed it, Denise. You're not ranting. You're speaking truth to power. Your post reminded me of one of my all-time favorite quotes..."If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud." - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
